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ME has two distinguished professors of the Changjiang Scholars Program, one member of the Office of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee, two professors selected in the National Ten-thousand Talents Program, one professor entitled National Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents, one selected in the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars program, one professor selected in “State-level Young and middle-aged Experts with outstanding Contributions” program, two teachers honored the National Model Teachers, one teacher entitled National Excellent Educators, two National Teaching Groups, two Provincial Teaching Groups, and three Provincial “Giant Plan” Innovation Groups. There are three professors selected in the National New Century Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talent Program, two professors of MOE New Century Talents Program, one professor entitled the “Yanzhao Scholars”, eight honored the “Provincial Scholars”, nine awarded the “Scholars with Outstanding Contributions of Hebei Province”, three selected in the first level of the “New Century Three-level Talent Program of Hebei Province”, five entitled “Hebei Excellent Teachers”, three selected in the “Leading Talents of Innovation Group of Hebei Province”, two entitled the “Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurs of Hebei Province”, one awarded the “Excellent Entrepreneurs”

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