报告题目:《Impact of Tribology and Its Behavior at the Micro scale》
报告专家:Dae Eun Kim
Dae-Eun Kim教授为国际生产工程科学院院士(The International Academy for Production Engineering , CIRP Fellow) ,国际机构与机器科学促进联合会韩国成员组织主席,韩国科学技术翰林院院士(Korean Academy of Science and Technology Fellow),塔夫茨大学获得机械工程学士学位,麻省理工学院获得机械工程硕士和博士学位,曾任俄亥俄州立大学助理教授,现任韩国首尔延世大学机械工程学院教授,主要研究领域包括微纳尺度摩擦磨损机理、表面改性、无机耐磨涂层设计以及MEMS系统应用等。
Dae-Eun Kim教授担任韩国精密工程学会会长(the Korean Society for Precision Engineering ),韩国摩擦学学会会长(the Korean Tribology Society)。曾任国际期刊IJPEM、JMST、ASME Journal of Tribology编委,目前在 Tribology Letters, Advances in Tribology, Friction, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, IJPEM-GT, Tribology Online, Lubricants and Jurnal Tribologi等诸多期刊任职。曾获得韩国贸易、工业和能源部的部长奖以及韩国政府的科学技术浦江国家奖等多个专业团体和机构颁发的奖项。组织多次国际会议,并在全球性重要会议中作主旨报告和邀请报告。
Friction is ubiquitous in industrial operations and daily life, playing a crucial role in ensuring the stable operation of industrial machinery and enhancing the performance of mechanical components. Tribology, as an independent discipline, was formally established in the 1960s. Jost explicitly defined it as: "The science and related technology that studies the generation, variation, and development of various phenomena on surfaces in relative motion and interaction, with a primary focus on friction, wear, lubrication, and related phenomena." Globally, 23% of the world's total energy is consumed by friction and wear, and approximately 70% of mechanical systems fail due to surface damage or wear. Thus, against the backdrop of severe global challenges related to resources, energy, and the environment, the research, application, and dissemination of tribology deserve significant attention. The speaker will review the understanding of friction from a historical perspective, discussing the general behavior of friction, particularly the evolving nature of sliding interfaces and their impact on friction and wear. Additionally, the presentation will explore the effect of particles on friction from macroscopic, microscopic, and nanoscopic viewpoints, covering scenarios with and without particles, friction at the atomic scale, and the transient characteristics of friction.