报告题目:A few snapshots of Environmental Fluid Mechanics: turbulence, sediments, and flow-biota interactions
报告人:Vladimir Nikora教授(英国阿伯丁大学)
报告人简介:Vladimir Nikora教授是国际著名的流体力学专家、英国皇家工程学院院士、英国爱丁堡皇家学会院士、英国阿伯丁大学六世纪主席教授,其主要研究方向为水利动力学,具体包括湍流结构、泥沙输运机制、水沙界面动力学和水力阻力;生态水力学,具体包括多尺度的流动-生物群相互作用、生态相关的传输过程、植被通道、地表-地下流动相互作用、海底边界层)和粗床流流体动力学的基本问题。Vladimir Ivanovich Nikora教授发表学术论文400余篇,其谷歌引用率为13930次,H指数59。
主要奖项与荣誉: 2021年国际环境与水资源协会最佳技术奖、2019年第七届国际水利与环境工程终身成就奖、2017年美国土木工程协会Hans Albert Einstein奖、2010年美国土木工程协会Hunter Rouse液压工程奖、2010年国际环境与水资源协会最佳技术奖。
报告内容简介:Environmental Fluid Mechanics (EFM) has emerged at the interfaces of fluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydrology, oceanography, and meteorology to deal with multiple problems involving environmental fluid flows. The talk will briefly introduce EFM and outline the typical problems addressed by this fairly young and still emerging discipline. Then, a few ‘snapshots’ of EFM will be highlighted focusing on recent studies completed at the University of Aberdeen. Special attention will be given to turbulence as the main driving mechanism in most environmental problems, followed by sediment dynamics and flow-biota interactions, the latter being a rapidly growing research area which facilitates a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from aquaculture to river management to renewable energy.