题目:Singularities of mechanisms and manipulators
报告人:Dr Dimiter Zlatanov, 意大利热那亚大学 (University of Genoa)
Dimiter Zlatanov graduated from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria with a M.Sc. in mathematics and mechanics and obtained a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada. He is currently with the University of Genoa, Italy. Previously, he has done research and taught at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, the University of Innsbruck, Austria, Tokyo City University, Japan, and Tianjin University, China.
Dr Zlatanov developed a novel framework for the study of singularities of mechanisms and robots with special emphasis on complex multi-loop kinematic chains. He discovered one of the first four-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms, and is a recognized expert in the area of parallel manipulators and the modeling and analysis of mechanisms using screw systems.
Dimiter Zlatanov is the main organizer of Summer Screws, the popular summer school on screw-theoretical methods in robotics, held regularly since 2009, as well as a co-organizer of SIMERO, a series of summer courses on singularities of robots and mechanisms.
In singular configurations, the properties and behavior of mechanisms can undergo sudden and dramatic changes. Hence the enormous practical value of singularity analysis for the design and use ofr obotic manipulators. The fundamental theoretical importance of the topic stems from the critical role singularity plays in algebraic geometry and in the theory of differentiable mappings. The study of singularities has been a major theme in the robotics literature. Yet, even among specialists in robot kinematics, some serious misconceptions persist about the nature and effects of mechanism singularity. The talk will try to provide a simple but rigorous introduction. Particular attention will be given to lesser known types of singularity exhibited by parallel robots and other mechanisms with closed-loop kinematic chains.